
10th IOPD Conference in Mexico

Next 17, 18 and 19 November 2010 will be held in Mexico City the 10th OIDP Annual Conference "Global crisis, participatory democracy and local alternatives". The overall objective of the conference will be to reflect and discuss about the impact of the current global crisis in cities and about possible alternative responses (political, social, cultural, economic and legal / institutional) stemming from the different local processes of participatory democracy.

You can register to the Conference through the website http://www.oidp.net/ and/or using the official website of the 10th Conference, where you will also find more information on the program and on practical issues related to this event.

The annual assembly of OIDP´s members will take place on 17 November at the Paranimfo del Palacio de la Autonomía (calle Lic. Primo de Verdad número 2, esquina Moneda). The goal of this meeting will be to take stock of the work done in 2010 and to identify future priorities.